/*! * Collapse-O-Matic JavaSctipt v1.6.23 * http://plugins.twinpictures.de/plugins/collapse-o-matic/ * * Copyright 2020, Twinpictures * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, blend, trade, * bake, hack, scramble, difiburlate, digest and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ function collapse_init() { //force collapse jQuery('.force_content_collapse').each(function(index) { jQuery(this).css('display', 'none'); }); //inital collapse jQuery('.collapseomatic:not(.colomat-close)').each(function(index) { var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); jQuery('#target-'+thisid).css('display', 'none'); }); //inital swaptitle for pre-expanded elements jQuery('.collapseomatic.colomat-close').each(function(index) { var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); if(jQuery("#swap-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle(this, "#swap-"+thisid ); } if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+thisid, "#swapexcerpt-"+thisid); } jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+thisid+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); }); } function swapTitle(origObj, swapObj){ if(jQuery(origObj).prop("tagName") == 'IMG'){ var origsrc = jQuery(origObj).prop('src'); var swapsrc = jQuery(swapObj).prop('src'); jQuery(origObj).prop('src',swapsrc); jQuery(swapObj).prop('src',origsrc); } else{ var orightml = jQuery(origObj).html(); var swaphtml = jQuery(swapObj).html(); jQuery(origObj).html(swaphtml); jQuery(swapObj).html(orightml); //is cufon involved? if so, do that thing if(swaphtml.indexOf(" 0){ swapTitle(this, "#swap-"+id); } //check if the excerpt needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+id).length > 0){ swapTitle("#exerpt-"+id, "#swapexcerpt-"+id); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+id+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); toggleState (jQuery(this), id, false, false); //check if there are nested children that need to be collapsed var ancestors = jQuery('.collapseomatic', '#target-'+id); ancestors.each(function(index) { jQuery(this).removeClass('colomat-close'); var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); jQuery('#target-'+thisid).css('display', 'none'); }) } }); } function closeOtherRelMembers(rel, id){ jQuery('.collapseomatic[rel="' + rel +'"]').each(function(index) { closeOtherMembers( this, id); }); } function closeOtherTogMembers(togname, id){ jQuery('.collapseomatic[data-togglegroup="' + togname +'"]').each(function(index) { closeOtherMembers( this, id); }); } function closeOtherMembers(obj, id){ if(jQuery(obj).hasClass('colomat-expand-only') && jQuery(obj).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } //add close class if open if(jQuery(obj).attr('id') != id && jQuery(obj).hasClass('colomat-close')){ //collapse the element jQuery(obj).removeClass('colomat-close'); var thisid = jQuery(obj).attr('id'); //remove parent highlight class jQuery('#parent-'+thisid).removeClass('colomat-parent-highlight'); //check if the title needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swap-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle(obj, "#swap-"+thisid); } //check if the excerpt needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+thisid, "#swapexcerpt-"+thisid); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+thisid+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); //check for snap-shut if(!jQuery(obj).hasClass('colomat-close') && jQuery(obj).hasClass('snap-shut')){ jQuery('#target-'+thisid).hide(); } else{ toggleState (jQuery(obj), thisid, false, false); } //check if there are nested children that need to be collapsed var ancestors = jQuery('.collapseomatic', '#target-'+id); ancestors.each(function(index) { if(jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-expand-only') && jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } //deal with extra tirggers var pre_id = id.split('-'); if (pre_id[0].indexOf('extra') != '-1') { //console.log('this is an extra trigger'); pre = pre_id.splice(0, 1); id = pre_id.join('-'); //deal with any scroll to links from the Extra Collapse Trigger if(jQuery(this).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } //deal with any scroll to links from the Title Trigger if(jQuery('#'+id).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ offset_top = jQuery('#scrollonclose-'+id).attr('name'); if (offset_top == 'auto') { var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } } //toggle master trigger arrow jQuery('#'+id).toggleClass('colomat-close'); //toggle any other extra trigger arrows jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+id+']').toggleClass('colomat-close'); } if(jQuery(this).attr('id').indexOf('bot-') == '-1'){ jQuery(this).removeClass('colomat-close'); var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); //check if the title needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swap-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle(this, "#swap-"+thisid); } //check if the excerpt needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+thisid, "#swapexcerpt-"+thisid); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+thisid+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); jQuery('#target-'+thisid).css('display', 'none'); } }) } } function colomat_expandall(loop_items){ if (!loop_items){ loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic:not(.colomat-close)'); } loop_items.each(function(index) { jQuery(this).addClass('colomat-close'); var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); jQuery('#parent-'+thisid).addClass('colomat-parent-highlight'); if(jQuery("#swap-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle(this, "#swap-"+thisid); } if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+thisid, "#swapexcerpt-"+thisid); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+thisid+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); toggleState(jQuery(this), thisid, true, false); }); } function colomat_collapseall(loop_items){ if (!loop_items){ loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic.colomat-close'); } loop_items.each(function(index) { if(jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-expand-only') && jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } jQuery(this).removeClass('colomat-close'); var thisid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); jQuery('#parent-'+thisid).removeClass('colomat-parent-highlight'); if(jQuery("#swap-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle(this, "#swap-"+thisid); } if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+thisid).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+thisid, "#swapexcerpt-"+thisid); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+thisid+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); toggleState(jQuery(this), thisid, false, false); }); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { //console.log(colomatduration, colomatslideEffect, colomatpauseInit); com_binding = 'click'; if (typeof colomattouchstart !== 'undefined' && colomattouchstart) { com_binding = 'click touchstart'; } if (typeof colomatpauseInit !== 'undefined' && colomatpauseInit) { init_pause = setTimeout(collapse_init, colomatpauseInit); } else{ collapse_init(); } //jetpack infinite scroll catch-all jQuery( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function () { collapse_init(); } ); //Display the collapse wrapper... use to reverse the show-all on no JavaScript degredation. jQuery('.content_collapse_wrapper').each(function(index) { jQuery(this).css('display', 'inline'); }); //hover jQuery(document).on({ mouseenter: function(){ //stuff to do on mouseover jQuery(this).addClass('colomat-hover'); }, mouseleave: function(){ //stuff to do on mouseleave jQuery(this).removeClass('colomat-hover'); }, focusin: function(){ //stuff to do on keyboard focus jQuery(this).addClass('colomat-hover'); }, focusout: function(){ //stuff to do on losing keyboard focus jQuery(this).removeClass('colomat-hover'); } }, '.collapseomatic'); //pass the element as an argument to .on //tabindex enter jQuery(document).on('keypress','.collapseomatic', function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.currentTarget.click(); }; }); //the main collapse/expand function jQuery(document.body).on(com_binding, '.collapseomatic', function(event) { var offset_top; //alert('phones ringin dude'); if(jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-expand-only') && jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } // rel highlander must be one if(jQuery(this).attr('rel') && jQuery(this).attr('rel').toString().indexOf('-highlander') != '-1' && jQuery(this).hasClass('must-be-one') && jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } //toggle group highlander must be one if(jQuery(this).data('togglegroup') && jQuery(this).data('togglegroup').toString().indexOf('-highlander') != '-1' && jQuery(this).hasClass('must-be-one') && jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close')){ return; } var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); //deal with any scroll to links if(jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close') && jQuery(this).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ offset_top = jQuery('#scrollonclose-'+id).attr('name'); if (offset_top == 'auto') { var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } } var id_arr = id.split('-'); //deal with extra tirggers if (id_arr[0].indexOf('extra') != '-1') { //console.log('this is an extra trigger'); pre = id_arr.splice(0, 1); id = id_arr.join('-'); //deal with any scroll to links from the Extra Collapse Trigger if(jQuery(this).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } //deal with any scroll to links from the Title Trigger if(jQuery('#'+id).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ offset_top = jQuery('#scrollonclose-'+id).attr('name'); if (offset_top == 'auto') { var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } } //toggle master trigger arrow jQuery('#'+id).toggleClass('colomat-close'); //toggle any other extra trigger arrows jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+id+']').toggleClass('colomat-close'); } else if(id.indexOf('bot-') != '-1'){ id = id.substr(4); jQuery('#'+id).toggleClass('colomat-close'); //deal with any scroll to links from the Internal Collapse Trigger if(jQuery(this).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } //deal with any scroll to links from the Title Trigger if(jQuery('#'+id).hasClass('scroll-to-trigger')){ offset_top = jQuery('#scrollonclose-'+id).attr('name'); if (offset_top == 'auto') { var target_offset = jQuery('#'+id).offset(); offset_top = target_offset.top; } } } else{ jQuery(this).toggleClass('colomat-close'); //toggle any extra triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+id+']').toggleClass('colomat-close'); } //check if the title needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swap-"+id).length > 0){ swapTitle(jQuery('#'+id), "#swap-"+id); } //check if the excerpt needs to be swapped out if(jQuery("#swapexcerpt-"+id).length > 0){ swapTitle("#excerpt-"+id, "#swapexcerpt-"+id); } //external triggers jQuery('[id^=extra][id$='+id+']').each( function( index ){ if(jQuery(this).data('swaptitle')){ old_swap_title = jQuery(this).data('swaptitle'); old_title = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).html(old_swap_title); jQuery(this).data('swaptitle', old_title); } }); //add visited class jQuery(this).addClass('colomat-visited'); //toggle parent highlight class var parentID = 'parent-'+id; jQuery('#' + parentID).toggleClass('colomat-parent-highlight'); //check for snap-shut if(!jQuery(this).hasClass('colomat-close') && jQuery(this).hasClass('snap-shut')){ jQuery('#target-'+id).hide(); } else{ toggleState (jQuery(this), id, true, id); } //deal with grouped items if needed if(jQuery(this).attr('rel') !== undefined){ var rel = jQuery(this).attr('rel').toString(); if(rel.indexOf('-highlander') != '-1'){ closeOtherRelMembers(rel, id); } else{ closeOtherGroups(rel); } } if(jQuery(this).data('togglegroup') !== undefined){ var togname = jQuery(this).data('togglegroup').toString(); if(togname.indexOf('-highlander') != '-1'){ closeOtherTogMembers(togname, id); } } if(offset_top){ jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:offset_top}, 500); } }); jQuery(document).on(com_binding, '.expandall', function(event) { if(jQuery(this).attr('rel') !== undefined){ var rel = jQuery(this).attr('rel'); var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic:not(.colomat-close)[rel="' + rel +'"]'); } else if(jQuery(this).attr('data-togglegroup') !== undefined){ var toggroup = jQuery(this).attr('data-togglegroup'); var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic:not(.colomat-close)[data-togglegroup="' + toggroup +'"]'); } else{ var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic:not(.colomat-close)'); } colomat_expandall(loop_items); }); jQuery(document).on(com_binding, '.collapseall', function(event) { if(jQuery(this).attr('rel') !== undefined){ var rel = jQuery(this).attr('rel'); var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic.colomat-close[rel="' + rel +'"]'); } else if(jQuery(this).attr('data-togglegroup') !== undefined){ var toggroup = jQuery(this).attr('data-togglegroup'); var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic.colomat-close[data-togglegroup="' + toggroup +'"]'); } else { var loop_items = jQuery('.collapseomatic.colomat-close'); } colomat_collapseall(loop_items); }); //handle new page loads with anchor var fullurl = document.location.toString(); if (fullurl.match('#(?!\!)')) { hashmaster(fullurl); } //handle no-link triggers within the same page jQuery(document).on('click', 'a.colomat-nolink', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); //manual hashtag changes in url jQuery(window).on('hashchange', function (e) { fullurl = document.location.toString(); if (fullurl.match('#(?!\!)')) { hashmaster(fullurl); } }); //master url hash funciton function hashmaster(fullurl){ // the URL contains an anchor but not a hash-bang if (fullurl.match('#(?!\!)')) { // click the navigation item corresponding to the anchor var anchor_arr = fullurl.split(/#(?!\!)/); if(anchor_arr.length > 1){ junk = anchor_arr.splice(0, 1); anchor = anchor_arr.join('#'); } else{ anchor = anchor_arr[0]; } if( jQuery('#' + anchor).length ){ //expand any nested parents jQuery('#' + anchor).parents('.collapseomatic_content').each(function(index) { parent_arr = jQuery(this).attr('id').split('-'); junk = parent_arr.splice(0, 1); parent = parent_arr.join('-'); if(!jQuery('#' + parent).hasClass('colomat-close')){ jQuery('#' + parent).click(); } }) //now expand the target anchor if(!jQuery('#' + anchor).hasClass('colomat-close')){ jQuery('#' + anchor).click(); } } if(typeof colomatoffset !== 'undefined'){ var anchor_offset = jQuery('#' + anchor).offset(); colomatoffset = colomatoffset + anchor_offset.top; jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:colomatoffset}, 50); } } } });